Summer School Presentation
The Faculty of Law of Sassari University and the Association for the Promotion of University Studies in Central Sardinia (Consorzio per la promozione degli Studi universitari nella Sardegna centrale Uninuoro), under the patronage of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Parliament and the Bar Association of Nuoro, in collaboration with the Town Council of Nuoro, Europe Direct Nuoro and the Italian Council for the European Movement, announce the fourth International Summer School on «The Future of Human Rights in Europe » to be held in Nuoro from 15th to 20th July, 2019. The Summer School is an intensive course which takes place over five days and is designed to provide an in-depth interdisciplinary view of the subject. The Summer School offers participants an overall view of human rights protection in Europe, both under the umbrella of the Council of Europe and the related practices of the European Court of Human Rights, and within the framework of the EU and the case law of the European Court of Justice, with particular regard to changes introduced by Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU)