International Summer School “The Future of Human Rights in Europe”

Summer School Presentation

The Faculty of Law of Sassari University and the Association for the Promotion of University Studies in Central Sardinia (Consorzio per la promozione degli Studi universitari nella Sardegna centrale Uninuoro), under the patronage of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Parliament and the Bar Association of Nuoro, in collaboration with the Town Council of Nuoro, Europe Direct Nuoro and the Italian Council for the European Movement, announce the fourth International Summer School on «The Future of Human Rights in Europe » to be held in Nuoro from 15th to 20th July, 2019. The Summer School is an intensive course which takes place over five days and is designed to provide an in-depth interdisciplinary view of the subject. The Summer School offers participants an overall view of human rights protection in Europe, both under the umbrella of the Council of Europe and the related practices of the European Court of Human Rights, and within the framework of the EU and the case law of the European Court of Justice, with particular regard to changes introduced by Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU)


Important developments are tending to drive convergence of these two systems which, for a long time, appeared to be competing and alternative, but which are now developing a commitment, firstly, to horizontal collaboration with each other and, secondly, to vertical collaboration, with member states and national legal authorities. In this, they are pursuing achievement of one of the most vital aspects of European integration, that of European human rights. The urgent need to improve understanding of issues linked to the protection of fundamental human rights is increasingly clear. This is no longer a topic for a few specialists but has become a key social and legal area which no branch of the legal profession can afford to ignore. The Summer School programme includes lectures, case studies and workshops, providing advanced education on the evolution and consolidation of human rights protection in Europe. Particular emphasis is placed on the safeguards provided by the Council of Europe and the European Union, the co-existence between these two, the participation of the European Union in the European Convention on Human Rights and the fundamental role played by the European Court of Human Rights. The lecturers come from Italian and international universities, are officials in Italian and European institutions, members of the judiciary, lawyers, or representatives of organizations working in the field of human rights.


Application must be made by email using the form provided in the Summer School 2019 section on or The form must be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] by 10th June, 2018. Once  e-mail confirmation of successful enrolment is received from the course co-ordinator, participants must then make payment of the course fee of €150 via bank transfer to the current account of UniNuoro by 12:00 local time on 21st June, 2019. For any payments made after that date, the fee is increased to €200.

Closing date for applications is 10th June, 2019. Final date for payment of the course fee of €150 is 21st June 2019. For any fees paid after that date, the amount is increased to €200. In order to finalise your registration, you must send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] attaching pdf copies of your bank transfer and of a photo ID document.


With the aim of encouraging an international dimension in university and post-university education, the Summer School aims to provide an intensive course in the field of human rights in Europe. By integrating and diversifying the university teaching programme on European Union Law and the international protection of human rights, it targets the involvement of a far wider range of people as learners with the goal of promoting a more inclusive, informed and coherent society. The course will provide flexible and informal learning pathways using a mixture of lectures, debates, and the exchange of ideas, with a dynamic analytical approach supported by a combination of graphic materials, videos and presentations. The examination of recent judgements from the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice of the European Union in study meetings, which may also be held in English, French or Spanish, will dig deeper into the prospects for human rights protection in various contexts within contemporary society. Of immediate relevance is the international protection of migrants (with a focus on trafficking of women and minors) and of the disabled, with particular reference to European policies on social inclusion. Full days of study will be dedicated to the reception of migrants and socially useful projects, as also to Brexit and its uncertain impact on the future of citizens’ rights.

In addition, two days will be devoted to the relationship of human rights to technological development and bioethics. Those taking part in discussions will include distinguished academics, representation from the group British in Europe and a judge from the Court of First Instance of the European Court of Justice.



At the end of the course, three scholarships of €200 each, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Gianfranca Deiana, will be awarded as partial financing for a study trip of 7 days to the Toledo Campus of International Excellence of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, where participants will follow a set of lectures under the responsibility of the Jean Monnet Chair of European Law, and to the Madrid offices of two of the most important specialised Agencies of the United Nations (UNWTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization e UNHCR – UN Refugee Agency).

A certificate of attendance showing the achievement of 5 CFUs (university training units – crediti formativi universitari) will be issued at the end of the International Summer School.

Lawyers attending the course will receive 15 ongoing education credits (crediti per la formazione continua), distributed as 3 credits for each of the 5 sessions within the Summer School Programme These may also be booked separately with an appropriate reduction in the course fee (€30 per day).


The Summer School is aimed at undergraduates, doctoral students, researchers, teachers, solicitors, barristers, magistrates and other members of the legal professions, representatives of NGOs in the human rights sector, other experts in the sector and all who wish to improve their knowledge of international and European human rights protection. Participants from across Europe (Greece, Spain, Germany, Croatia) and beyond (Iran, Turkey, Congo, Syria) have attended previous Summer Schools. The course will have a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 participants. 10 places are reserved for students of the University of Sassari (either Sassari or Nuoro sections). Summer School participants who are registered on a degree course in the Faculty of Law at the University of Sassari will receive 5 CFUs (university training units – crediti formativi universitari) for optional training.